Candy has been a Worship leader for more than a decade as a guest/Speaker/Teacher in more than a hundred churches. Now she’s on staff too at a church in Austin, Texas. She’s been involved with planning committees, with the goal of creating music and leading worship musician teams for many events and conferences across the country.
Events in which Candy’s been a central part include IF: Citywide, which was held in Austin, Texas, Reveal Conference in Columbia, Missouri, and Beauty for Ashes Recovery Event in Southeast Missouri to name a few. She’s provided guest worship leadership for churches across the country including Austin’s Riverbend Church, Shoreline Church, and Expression Church and Woodcrest Chapel and Lighthouse Church.
For your church, school, group or nonprofit’s next big event, Candy can offer her skills as a speaker, worship leader, and teacher. Adjusting for your organization’s size and goals, Candy’s decades of experience help you plan and budget for your event.
Before her time as a worship leader, Candy spent decades on the road, touring full time, usually performing more than a hundred shows per year! All this experience gives Candy unique insight, as she adjusts for your group’s size, budget and goals while helping you to produce uplifting content for your attendees and overall, an incredibly powerful event.
As a Worship Leader/Singer-Songwriter/Speaker & Teacher, Candy can work with your group to uniquely design messages of hope through both music and encouraging word in areas of...
-FREEDOM from any Addiction or Hangup
-Championing LOVE REVIVALS in every community!
-Teen Songwriter Expression Classes
-New Artist's Coaching & Business Mentoring
& More!

Candy calls her story her “Mess-timony.” With brutal honesty and vulnerability, Candy details how God cleaned up the mess her life once was and, through His mighty redemptive powers, allowed her to see how beautiful His remodeling projects turn out.
Growing up in Kentucky, raised in church, Candy fell into the people pleasing trap early. Coming from a family tree with plenty of other wild branches, Candy was living what she describes as a “candy-coated hot mess of a life,” developing a few addictive behaviors by the time she was six years old.
Candy eventually married and had kids, but came close to divorce. In the end it was a monstrous struggle against her own control issues and her addiction to alcohol that nearly took her out for good. There at rock bottom was where God met Candy again and started her total life remodel, a process which began when Candy surrendered. Candy’s life now is one that stuns most people.
She’s open, honest and vulnerable about her story, and best of all, she’ll even have you laughing through tales of her shiny successes, hidden failures and final surrender. Now Candy enjoys the most beautiful life she could ever have imagined, the one God had waiting for her the whole time!
With some very messy parts indeed, Candy’s ‘messtimony’ is as powerful as any Lifetime movie series, with scenes she’s described well in some of the country songs she’s written. Her message: God can remodel a life at any time, having a better plan for each of us than the one we have for ourselves. Only God can free us from the comforts to which we cling, offering us the chance to surrender them and receive instead the one thing that offers peace, fulfillment and lasting comfort: His sweet love.
RING OF FIRE Women’s Group Development
A whole NEW kind of Women’s Group that is truly FIRE goodness!
In 2017 God put a seed for a new type of women’s small group into Candy’s heart. What started as three neighbors, getting together to drink coffee and pray for neighbors, family and friends, grew into something unique; a come-as-you-are, no books, no hard and fast rules, Holy Spirit Happy Hour called “Ring of Fire.”
Every woman finds herself welcome at Ring of Fire, despite her age, what her background is or where she goes to church. Ring of Fire offers women the chance to join a God-centered tribe, one that trusts, worships together, shares the messy parts of life and, as Candy says, will “Pray their faces off for each other.” The result: a truly transformed community!
The secret to building a strong women’s ministry can be hard code to crack. Only God Himself could have dreamed up such a supportive, inspiring group, and Candy dreams she’ll see Ring of Fire be multiplied all over the globe. To help that cause she wrote a short devotional book, Seven Steps to Start Your Love Revival, to help women everywhere start tribes of their own and understand how to create the right ‘vibe’ that helps these rare, powerful, God-focused sisterhoods flourish. Ring of Fire exists today as something only God Himself could have created, a miracle phenomenon, now a hundred women strong and growing!
The joy of the Holy Spirit lives and breathes in Ring of Fire, and Candy would love to help you develop a covenant, joy-filled group just like it in your community!
Candy wrote her newest album, Love Revival Live, from a place of joy, celebrating the happiness, unity and love he family found in Austin, Texas. With music and message, encouraging people to unify, Love Revival Live encourages listeners to imagine what it might look like, if the family of God was a single, unified family in every place people call home.
What if everyone who met a follower of Jesus understood we are all a unified front of goodness, love and light?
What if our lives became more about tackling life’s hard stuff... caring for our homeless, our foster kids and those who need adoption, our mentally ill, our troubled marriages and so on?
What if WE were the couriers of an unconditional, straight up BIG LOVE that doesn’t judge, compete or compare?
That’s what a Love Revival is!
People’s lives could change, families could be restored, and people in churches would find themselves, acting as one. Church could be transformed into a place focused on loving God and loving people. We can be the activators of Love Revivals everywhere! Let it start with us. Let’s start a Love Revival together in your town!
Candy would love to share with your community some sweet tunes and her laughter- inspiring, heartfelt message of hope, encouraging hugs and spreading Big Love!
Please contact us with any questions or to find out how Candy can help you become a Love Revival starter!
